Vogelpark Turnersee


City: St Primus
Country: Austria
State: Carinthia
Opend 1982




Species 300




This park shows especially birds, wirh a good collection of parots, toucans and turacos

Last visited 2016

Vogelpark Turnersee
St. Primus 47
9123 St. Primus


Phone number 04239-2707
Fax number 04239-20577


Opened minimum May-September 10am - 4 pm

Entrance fee

  • Adult 14 Euros
  • Child 6-18 years 7,- Euros



For kids there is a petting area and several playgrounds


What emerged from a longstanding hobby was opened to the public in 1982. From small beginnings and a good dose of idealism, the family Zupanc was able to realize the bird park. The general perception of the animals and the thought of wildlife conservation has changed in recent years, fortunately, basically for the benefit of animals and so the idea and the requirements of a species-appropriate accommodation within the meaning of zoo biology. Opened in 1998, the petting zoo is a addition to the bird park. 

Map 2011 Map 2015 Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee we go through the portal on the right, where there is a petting zoo as well as some tortoises and Indian peacocks. Back to the entrance building we then meet the tame macaws and see a lawn for cranes.Following this we see turacos and phesants, turn around the corner and meet some parakeets and cockatoos. Behind them are some colourful toucans and the interesting guan. Then, after seeing some more parakeets there are 2 larger aviaries for tropical birds like the crowened pigeon and the ocellated turkey. Then following som aviaries for birds of prey we turn right t the Ibis viary to see the Alpaca, rheas and other animals frome the South American pampas. Behind it we find Steller's sea eagle. Back at the birds of prey we follow the path to the right and meet the rre white-necked crane. They are followed by the noisy macaws. The next enclosure is for gees like the Hawaiian Nene, they are followed by rhinoceros birds. Lets the look at more parots befor we at the playground turn right to se the last aviary. Home to some weaver birds.

DE: Dieser Vogelpark rein Artenmässig ist der grösste von Österreich, rein Arealmässig aber eher klein. Trotzdem gibt es seltheiten wie Riesenseeadler und Weissnackenkraniche

DK: Denne fulgepark er Østrigs største rent artmæssigt, dette gælder dog det sværre ikke rent arealmæssigt. Alligevel ser man sjældenheder som kæmpehvørne og hvidnakkede traner
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